Who We Are ?
PT Gikoko Kogyo Indonesia is a Engineering company with fully integral manufacturing capability operating in Indonesia since 1993. The principal shareholders are Japanese and Hong Kong investors. Gikoko works for a sustainable future with innovative technology.
Pressure Vessels and Fan fabrication workshop is located in East Jakarta and a second workshop in Cibinong with area of 18,000m2 , 30km from central Jakarta.
A team of 150 engineering designers, electrical instrumentation engineers, together with qualified welders, skilled metalworking technicians and logistics personnel is supported by a proprietary Enterprise Resource Management system to provide Innovative Engineered Products and Solutions to our Customers.
We deliver state of the art equipment in Power and Heat Generation, Boiler, Fuel Switching, Dust Collection, Furnace and Fans.
We offer customised solution for air quality management, clean power and carbon credit development systems.Our clients are multinational automotive, chemical, food and consumer products manufacturers and municipal public utilities companies in Indonesia.We are qualified to ISO9001 since 1999 in design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of industrial boilers, fans and dust collectors.
We have certificate of authorization from ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) for U, S and R stamps for power boiler and pressure vessel engineering design, fabrication, inspection, modification and alteration. We are also certified to ISO 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Standards) from Lloyds Register since year 2006.
Gikoko’s directors and staff have received capacity building in Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Kyoto Protocol since 2003, and formed a partnership with the World Bank’s Carbon Finance Unit in October 2006 to develop carbon credit projects.
GIKOKO provides engineering, manufacturing, installation and maintenance service in the fields of power and heat generation, industrial pollution control, biomass and waste recycling systems, and carbon credit development project. The system we deliver shall be of good quality.
Our Industrial clients are multinational automotive, chemical, food and consumer products manufacturers and municipal public utilities companies in Indonesia.We were qualified to ISO9001 since 1999 in design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of industrial boilers, fans and dust collectors.
We have certificate of authorization from ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) for U, S and R stamps for power boiler and pressure vessel engineering design, fabrication, inspection, modification and alteration. We were also certified to ISO 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Standards) from Lloyds Register in 2006.
Gikoko’s directors and staff have received capacity building in Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Kyoto Protocol since 2003, and formed a partnership with the World Bank’s Carbon Finance Unit in October 2006 to develop carbon credit projects.
PT Gikoko Kogyo Indonesia is a Engineering and Manufacture of Industrial Boilers, Fans and Dust Collectors offering Air Quality Management , Furnace and Utility plants since 1993. The company operated as PT Gikoko Utama since 1984 in Jakarta at the Pulogadung Industrial Estate in East Jakarta, the first manufactuer of industrial fans and importer of Niigata diesel gensets and Kawasaki steam boilers.In 1993 a second fabrication plant was added in Cibinong with area of 18,000m2 30km from central Jakarta near Bogor in West Java.
In 2007 Gikoko executed Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement for Municipal Solid Waste Management with the Bank of International Reconstruction and Development (The World Bank) and became a pioneering primary producer of United Nations certified carbon offsets.In 2008 Gikoko delivered 4MWe biomass captive power plant for a Clean Develop Mechanism project in Central Java for a particle board factory completing US$6million Engineering, Procurement and Construction contract utilizing Swedish furnace design and process control, local fabrication and Japanese steam turbines
Good quality in our definitions shall meet the following criteria.
- Performance: Output to match the specifications
- Reliability: The system shall be free from unexpected breakdowns
- Running cost shall be optimal and not be wasteful of resources.
- System’s Lifetime shall not fall short of agreed expectation if maintained properly
- Finishing shall be free from blemishes.

We also have certifications in manufacturing including ISO 9001 and OHAS 18001, with the certification of all work done in accordance with applicable standard procedures and provisions. So that makes our customers more confident and has no doubts to use our services to help customer needs produce products that are suitable, quality, precision and also right in the time of work.